Monday, January 31, 2011
Dear readers,

Al Quran
We granted Lut wisdom and knowledge, and We rescued him from a town that used to perpetrate despicable acts. They were certainly evil and lecherous people. And we admitted him into Our mercy. He was indeed from among the righteous. (Surah Anbiya 74-75)
Al Hadith
Hazrat Anas Bin Malik R.A said “Rasulullah said, “Spitting in the masjid is a sin, and its expiation is that the spittle should be buried in the Earth.”
Top Ten Masajids of the world with Namazi capacity

· Masjid-e-Haram Sharif Makkah 1350,000
· Masjid-e-Nabvi Madina 798,000
· Masjid-e-makkah Kuala Lampur 538,000
· Masjid-e-Saddiqu-e-Akbar Paris 495,000
· Jamia-e-Umer Farooq Washington 450,000
· Islamic Research Center Workshire 430,000
· Jamia Masjid Dehli 400,000
· Shah Fahad Masjid Riyadh 370,000
· Shah Faisal Masjid Islamabad 295,000
· Jamia Masjid Usmani Mumbai 273,000
By Taha Aamir Nizami
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Honesty is the best policy

Peep Peep!
Story Stop!
Honesty is the best policy
Once there was a poor boy in a town. His father was dead. He had a mother and three younger sisters, living. They had no source of income. He tried much to get a job.
One day he was going home, when he saw a money bag lying on the road side. He picked it up and opened it. There was a huge amount of money, 50,000 rupees in it and an address card. He went to his mother and told her. His mother strictly ordered him to return the money bag to the owner. He went to the address and handed the bag to the owner (a mill owner).
The owner was thankful and asked him as to where he worked. The boy told him of his problem. The rich man was too impressed and gave him a job in his mill. Thus the boy got the reward of his honesty and passed many happy days.
Written by Zainab Anwar.
Around the world in each issue

South America covers 17,840,000 km2 with a population of 385,742,554 people. It has 19 countries .It ranks fourth in are and fifth in population. South America's major mineral resources are gold, silver, copper, iron ore, tin, and petroleum. The many resources of South America have brought high income to its countries especially in times of war or of rapid economic growth by industrialized countries elsewhere. South America is home to the world's highest waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela; the largest river (by volume), the Amazon River; the longest mountain range, the Andes (whose highest mountain is Aconcagua at 6,962 m [22,841 ft]); the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert; the largest rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest; the highest capital city, La Paz, Bolivia; the highest commercially navigable lake in the world, Lake Titicaca; and, excluding research stations in Antarctica, the world's southernmost permanently inhabited community, Puerto Toro, Chile. South America’s is predominantly wet and hot. However the large size of the continent makes the climate of South America varied with each region having its own characteristic weather conditions.
Interesting Science History

Al Beruni ‘s full name was Abu Rayhan Muhammad in Ahmad. He was born at September 5, 973Khwarazm, Samanid Persia. His main interests were Physics, anthropology, comparative sociology, astronomy, astrology, chemistry, history, geography, mathematics, medicine, psychology, philosophy, theology. He was called as founder of anthropology and indology. He was one of the first exponents of an experimental method of investigation,[8] introducing this method into mechanics[9] and what is nowadays called mineralogy, psychology,[10] and astronomy.[ The crater Al-Biruni on the Moon is named after him. Tashkent Technical University (formerly Tashkent Polytechnic Institute) is also named after Abu Rayhan al-Biruni and a university founded by Ahmad Shah Massoud in Kapisa is named after him.He was born in Khwarazm, then part of the Samanid Empire (modern Khiva, Uzbekistan). He studied mathematics and astronomy under Abu Nasr Mansur. Biruni's works number 146 in total. These include 35 books on astronomy, 4 on astrolabes, 23 on astrology, 5 on chronology, 2 on time measurement, 9 on geography, 10 on geodesy and mapping theory, 15 on mathematics (8 on arithmetic, 5 on geometry, 2 on trigonometry), 2 on mechanics, 2 on medicine and pharmacology, 1 on meteorology, 2 on mineralogy and gems, 4 on history, 2 on India, 3 on religion and philosophy, 16 literary works, 2 books on magic, and 9 unclassified books. He died at December 15, 1048(1048-12-15) (aged 75). He was buried in Ghazni.
Fruits and Vegetables

Carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. It has a crisp texture when fresh. The most commonly eaten part of a carrot is a taproot, although the greens are edible as well. The flowering stem grows to about 1 metre (3 ft) tall. The wild ancestors of the carrot are likely to have come from Afghanistan. Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family, named after the umbrella like flower clusters that plants in this family produce. As such, carrots are related to parsnips, fennel caraway, cumin and dill. There are over 100 different varieties that vary in size and color. Carrots can be as small as two inches or as long as three feet, ranging in diameter from one-half of an inch to over two inches. Carrots have Vitamin A, Vitamin K , vitamin C, Vitamin E , B1 ,B2 , B3 and B6. Carrots are extremely rich in potassium and contain magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, and cholesterol reducing calcium pectate. Carrots also have small amounts of carbohydrates, essential oils, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulphur1. Packed with all of these vitamins and minerals, carrots are a very healthy food. Before ending, I will request you to eat carrots as they are important for eyes, besides, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?
Poetry - Mother to Son
Langston Hughes
Tricky riddles

Computer jokes
Universe Facts
· The Sun is always losing weight in fact Scientists have worked out that it loses around 4 Million tonnes every second, this is the amount of hydrogen gas that the sun turns into energy every second.
· The universe extents from the Earth for at least 10 Billion Light Years and its probably still expanding
· From Edge To Edge the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years across.
· The Moon is moving slowly away from the Earth at the rate of 3cm per year.
Book review

This series, Goosebumps, is not that scary. For kids or those who are frightened of such stories. They are also funny bits in it. There’s a different story in each book. In one book, there is a boy who science-fiction stories. His bedroom Is very small. He disobeys his mother and goes to sleep in the guestroom. He fell into a hole of reality. A new adventure is waiting for him every time he wakes up.
So, read that but not in the night because it can give you goose bumps in dreams.
Q & A

Trees are ever-green in summer, but when autumn arrives there are many colors of leaves! The green color in leaves is because of chlorophyll present in it. Other colors are also mixed but we can’t see them. The pigment xanthopyll makes yellow color, carotene orange and antocyanin of a brilliant red color. In the summer we see green leave but gradually weather turns colder and colder the food that has been stored away in the leaf by the trees begins to flow out to the branches and trunks. So no more food will be produced and the chlorophyll food factory will disintegrates. The chlorophyll disappears and other pigments become visible and stay on the leaves. In summer, the chlorophyll reappears. This cycle goes on throughout the years.
Things to remember By Zoha Bin-te-Akmal

If the only tool you have is a hammer you lend to see every problem as a mail. (Abraham Maslow)
What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? (Robert Schyller)
Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side. (Claude Mc Donald)By Zoha Bin-te-Akmal