Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Al Quran & Al Hadith

Al Quran
Who ever makes a worthy intercession will receive a share of it. Who ever makes an evil intercession will receive the sin for it. Allah has power over all things
When a person intercedes on behalf of another worthwhile cause he will bee rewarded for it. However if the intercession is to attain evil results then the intercessor shall share in the sin.
Al Hadith
Every Musalman is a brother to another
Our beloved Prophet said that every Musalman is like a brother of every other Musalman. We should always keep these sacred word before our mind’s eye and should never take ill of any Musalman nor quarrel with him nor be a cause o anguish or injury to him. Instead we should always be ready to strand him in good stead and help him in his hour of need.
Who ever makes a worthy intercession will receive a share of it. Who ever makes an evil intercession will receive the sin for it. Allah has power over all things
When a person intercedes on behalf of another worthwhile cause he will bee rewarded for it. However if the intercession is to attain evil results then the intercessor shall share in the sin.
Al Hadith
Every Musalman is a brother to another
Our beloved Prophet said that every Musalman is like a brother of every other Musalman. We should always keep these sacred word before our mind’s eye and should never take ill of any Musalman nor quarrel with him nor be a cause o anguish or injury to him. Instead we should always be ready to strand him in good stead and help him in his hour of need.
Meet the Editor - Special Issue

Assalam-o-Alaikum. Sorry for such a long gap. But a bit of bad news. We’ve decided that it will be a holiday magazine from now on. But a bit of good news. This is the month of birthday of Flowers magazine. Yes. Ours and Yours flowers mag birthday month. December! Happy? Happy birthday Quaid-e-Azam. Our leader. Father of the nation. A real leader. A just leader. Salam Quaid. And a taste of cold is coming too. Happy winter!! My birthday has also passed on 15th November. And our branch The City School Jr. Girls N.Nazimabad has participated in an international competition. Design for Change. 1500 schools participated from Pakistan. 35 schools won from categories. Our school also won in the category of Maximum Potential for long lasting change. I am so happy. Whoa! So much is there in this month. Isn’t it? But not all. Since a long tine we are not receiving your contributions. Few contributors give me and i have to write the whole mag.Please give something. Wait for the next issue. Till then Allah Hafiz. Yours,
Facts - Special Issue
L.O.L - Special Issue
Q: When should you buy a bird?
A: When it's going cheep!
Did you hear the one about the crow and the telephone pole?
He wanted to make a long distance caw
Q: There was a rooster sitting on a top of a barn. If it laid an egg, which way would it roll?
A: Roosters don't lay eggs!
Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be baygulls!
Riddles - Special Issue
Poetry - Special Issue

A late walk
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Robert Frost
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Robert Frost
Peep...Peep...Peep - Special Issue

Story Stop!!
Story Stop!!
Two Brothers
Once upon a time there was a family living in a village with two boys aged seven and ten years. There names were majid and Khalid respectively. Their father had died in a train accident. They were poor but lived a happy life, the only disturbing fact in their lives was majid's behavior and attitude.Khalid and majid used to go to a government school. Khalid was very good at studies. He always used to come first in the class and very punctual. But on the other hand, majid had no interest in studies. As an elder brother, Khalid always tried to make majid understand how important studies are. But majid heard it from one ear and let it out from other. Time passed quickly. Khalid passed his matric class successfully with "a-one" grade and got admission in a very good college near his village. at the same time, majid had to take the exams of ninth class but because of his non serious attitude and bad company, he was lazy in studies due to which he barely got a 'c" grade in matric class due to which he only got admission in a college away from his village whose reputation was also bad. The senior college students were also bullying with him. They used to make fun of him and forced to do dirty work. At such moments, he understood why his brother and mother always tried to make him understand how important the studies are. From that day onwards, he worked hard day and night, and got "a" grade in his intermediate due to which he got a admission in a very good university. This was a double treat to majid and Khalid’s mother because her other son got a good job after completing his university studies.
The moral: study well, live well
By Naela
Once upon a time there was a family living in a village with two boys aged seven and ten years. There names were majid and Khalid respectively. Their father had died in a train accident. They were poor but lived a happy life, the only disturbing fact in their lives was majid's behavior and attitude.Khalid and majid used to go to a government school. Khalid was very good at studies. He always used to come first in the class and very punctual. But on the other hand, majid had no interest in studies. As an elder brother, Khalid always tried to make majid understand how important studies are. But majid heard it from one ear and let it out from other. Time passed quickly. Khalid passed his matric class successfully with "a-one" grade and got admission in a very good college near his village. at the same time, majid had to take the exams of ninth class but because of his non serious attitude and bad company, he was lazy in studies due to which he barely got a 'c" grade in matric class due to which he only got admission in a college away from his village whose reputation was also bad. The senior college students were also bullying with him. They used to make fun of him and forced to do dirty work. At such moments, he understood why his brother and mother always tried to make him understand how important the studies are. From that day onwards, he worked hard day and night, and got "a" grade in his intermediate due to which he got a admission in a very good university. This was a double treat to majid and Khalid’s mother because her other son got a good job after completing his university studies.
The moral: study well, live well
By Naela
Around the world in each issue - Special Issue

North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers (9,540,000 square miles), about 4.8% of the planet's surface or about 16.5% of its land area. As of July 2008, its population was estimated at nearly 529 million people. It is the third-largest continent in area, following Asia and Africa, and the fourth in population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. Although Columbus is given much credit as having discovered America, there were plenty of people already living in North America prior to the Europeans having arrived including the Aztec civilization in what is now Mexico. In the 1600's the Europeans quickly colonized and took over much of North America. The largest country in North America, the United States, was formed in the late 1700's and became a "melting pot" of people and cultures from around the world.
Fun Facts about North America:
1. The largest city in North America is Mexico City, Mexico. The largest country is the United States.
2. The longest river in North America is the Mississippi River.
3.Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located on the border between the United States and Canada.
4.The country of Greenland is the biggest island on the planet.
5.The North American and South American continents are thought to have been named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
2. The longest river in North America is the Mississippi River.
3.Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located on the border between the United States and Canada.
4.The country of Greenland is the biggest island on the planet.
5.The North American and South American continents are thought to have been named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
Amazing Fact - Special Issue
Q & A - Special Issue

What was the currency system in past?
Going deep in history not each civilization had a currency system but had the ‘barter’ system. Barter system meant that if some one wants some cows and found some one who is selling cows he will have to give some thing in exchange of the cows and if the person selling cows don’t want that thing in exchange then the customer will not get the cows! Time went, cows, tobacco grains, skins, salts and beads were used as money among people who were always ready to accept them. Have you heard about the Aryans?They were a fierce, nomadic Indo-European people who loved to fight, The used cattle as money. Alaskan fish hook, American throwing knife, yap stone, Chinese spas, zulu rings etc were used as money too. Later pieces of metsals were used and iti is asaid that they were the origin of coins. Now banknotes are made, making tradeand shopping etc easier…
Book review - Special Review

The famous book “Urdu ki Akhri Kitab” was written by Ibn-i-Insha, which was published in 1971. In this book he depicted a poor man praying to God for food, clothing and shelter. A rich man admonishes him and tells him to ask for something. The poor man asks the rich man what he prays for. The rich man told him that he prays for the grant of faith, Integrity and honesty. The poor man remarks that he is right. “I pray for those things I don’t have and you pray for the things you don’t have.”
By H.Faizan Nizami
By H.Faizan Nizami
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Our great leader - Flowers Special Issue

We should now make a promise that we’ll follow his sayings and be a great patriot of our own country not of other countries.
By Qintra

2. The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary power vested in the provinces.
3. All legislatures in the country and the other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
4. In the Central Legislature, Muslim representation shall not be less then one-third.
5. Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by separate electorates; provided that it shall be open to any community, at any time, to abandon its separate electorate in favor of joint electorates.
6. Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way affect the Muslim majority in the Punjab, Bengal and North-West Frontier Province.
7. Full religious liberty, that is, liberty of belief, worship, and observance, propaganda, association, and education, shall be guaranteed to all communities.
8. No bill or resolution or any part there of shall be passed in the legislature or any other elected body if three fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose it as being injurious to the interests of that community or in the alternative, such other method is devised as may be found feasible and practicable to deal with such cases.
9. Sindh should be separated from Bombay Presidency.
10. Reforms should be introduced in the North-West Frontier Province and Balochistan on the same footing as in other provinces.
11. Provisions should be made in the constitution giving Muslims an adequate share along with the other Indians in all the services of the State and in local self-governing bodies having due regard to the requirements of efficiency.
12. The constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection of Muslim culture and for the protection and promotion of Muslim education, language, religion, personal laws and Muslim charitable institutions and for their due share in the grants-in-aid given by the State and by self-governing bodies.
13. No cabinet, either Central or Provincial, should be formed without there being at least one third of Muslim Ministers.
14. No change shall be made in the constitution by the Central Legislature except with the concurrence of the States constituting the Indian federation.
By Naela
Interesting Science History - Flowers Special Issue

Archeologists excavating burial sites from 4000 BC have discovered clay pots repaired with glue made from tree sap. We know that the ancient Greeks developed adhesives for use in carpentry, and created recipes for glue that included the following items as ingredients: egg whites, blood, bones, milk, cheese, vegetables and grains. Tar and beeswax were used by the Romans for glue. Around 1750, the first glue or adhesive patent was issued in Britain. The glue was made from fish. Patents were then rapidly issued for adhesives using natural rubber, animal bones, fish, starch, milk protein or casein. The earliest evidence of use of glue can still be observed in the cave paintings made by our Neanderthal ancestors in Lascaux, France. These early artists wanted their work to last and mixed glue with the paint they used to help the colors resist the moisture of the cave walls. Egyptian artifacts unearthed in their tombs show many uses of glues; perhaps the most striking are the veneers and inlays in wood furniture, which was made using glue as early as 3,000 B.C. The Egyptians also used glue to produce papyrus. Greek and Roman artists used glues extensively; mosaic floors and tiled walls and baths are still intact after thousands of years.
Orange - Flowers Special Issue

Monday, December 27, 2010
Sneak Peek

* Meet the Editor
* How to spend summer by Qintra Aisha Nizami
* Wacky Facts - Naomi Uemura
* Vocabulary Power
* World’s Environment Day 5th June
* REVIEWS - Sweet Valley
* Questions and Answers - MARS
* A fairy Song by William Shakespeare
* Your thoughts
* Be Healthy Be Active by Yamna Iman Wasif
* Fruits & Vegetables
* Interesting Science History

Al Quran
“Recite the book which has been revealed to you and establish Salah. Verily Salah prevents obscenity and evil. Without doubt, the remembrance of Allah is greatest. Allah knows what you do.” (Surah Al-Ankabut: 45)
Allah is saying to recite the holy book, Quran and establish Salah. If Salah is performed as it should be performed, it will surely prevent a person from committing sins. All aspects of Salah like recitation of Quran, rukuh, Sajdah, concentration etc must be carried out to the finest degree possible. Te more a person corrects these aspects, the more affective will his Salah be in preventing from sin. The less attention he pays to Salah, the longer will the Salah take to achieve his aim.
Al Hadith
“Recite the book which has been revealed to you and establish Salah. Verily Salah prevents obscenity and evil. Without doubt, the remembrance of Allah is greatest. Allah knows what you do.” (Surah Al-Ankabut: 45)
Allah is saying to recite the holy book, Quran and establish Salah. If Salah is performed as it should be performed, it will surely prevent a person from committing sins. All aspects of Salah like recitation of Quran, rukuh, Sajdah, concentration etc must be carried out to the finest degree possible. Te more a person corrects these aspects, the more affective will his Salah be in preventing from sin. The less attention he pays to Salah, the longer will the Salah take to achieve his aim.
Al Hadith
Hazrat Abu Hurairah RA reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah S.A.W saying, “Say, if there were a river at the door of one of you in which he takes a bath five times a day, would any soiling remain on him?” They replied, “No soiling would be left on him.” He said, “That is the five (obligatory) Salat. Allah obliterates all sins as a result of performing Salat.”
(Al Bukhari Al Muslims)
Salat washes all our sins we have committed. That’s why Allah always say to read Salat as it is for our own good.
Salat washes all our sins we have committed. That’s why Allah always say to read Salat as it is for our own good.
Meet the Editor
I welcome you to the latest issue of Flowers. So here comes summer. Keep sleeping. Read magazines. Lick an ice cream (the most common activity). How can I explain you those special moments when are at outing. However, Keep enjoying summer. I remembered that exams of adults are going on, right? Kids are free making crafts and enjoying the pleasure of summer. On my cousin’s suggestion I am adding poems of famous poets and writers. I hope you will enjoy. We have jokes. You will laugh and laugh after reading. We added 2 things one review and a vocabulary power. I hope you will enjoy that. Yes, I have to tell one change. It’s not a monthly magazine now. It’s a magazine of holidays. However I am trying to make it more than that. One request. Please don’t take your suggestions. They are very important. Keep contributing. Enjoy your summer and enjoy your exams (adults). Pray for Pakistan and Kashmir that their conditions become better. Meet the next issue. Till then Allahafiz.
Email: flowersmag09@gmail.com
Email: flowersmag09@gmail.com
How to spend summer
Kids! Summer has arrived. Don’t look so upset as you don’t have anything to do. You have thousands of hobbies, then why thinking what to do. Hobbies are very different and thrilling. Some like collecting stamps, rocks, leaves and even information. Others like writing, singing etc. So work on your hobbies. Try your hobby every day. Read extra books, magazines etc. And …what else, you can play with cousins, but if you are alone, then you can play by yourself. There are many games which can be played by one person too.You can do outing. You can draw a good picture and show your parents. They will think you are good in drawing and they will be certainly impressed. Same is with other good hobbies. Always work on good hobbies. Enjoy your summer.
Qintra Aisha Nizami

Q: What do you get if you cross a cat and a lemon?
A: A sour puss!
Q: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
A: Big holes all over Australia
Q: Why did Mickey Mouse go to space?
A: To see Pluto!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Justin who?
Just in the neighborhood, thought i'd drop
Brain Teasers
Q: A horse is on a 24 foot chain and the horse want's a apple that is 26 feet away. How can the horse get to the apple?
A: The chain is not attached to anything.
Q: Which eight-letter word still remains a word after removing each letter from it?
A: Starting-Staring-String-Sting-Sing-Sin-In-I.
Vocabulary Power

Adversary: (plural adversaries) n an enemy, an opponent.
Anarchist: n a person who believes that government is unnecessary or undesirable.
Anarchist: n a person who believes that government is unnecessary or undesirable.
2: a person who tries to overturn the government by violence.
Allegiance: n a loyalty to a person, group etc.
Ancestry: (plural ancestries) n a line of ancestors coming down to one’s parents.
Amputate: v cut off
Allay: v to make less
Allegiance: n a loyalty to a person, group etc.
Ancestry: (plural ancestries) n a line of ancestors coming down to one’s parents.
Amputate: v cut off
Allay: v to make less
Sunday, December 26, 2010
World’s Environment Day 5th June

1. Grow a lot of plants as plants are the main beauty of environment. Take care of them as well.
2. Keep a new dustbin, it may about Rs 500. Don’t worry. It’s for a good cause.
3. You can encourage people not to litter the streets. For this you can make simple leaflets using persuasive words and distribute them in your neighborhood.
Environment is for us and we should try our level best to clean it.
So lets promise to keep the environment clean.
REVIEWS - Sweet Valley

Sweet Valley
Sweet Valley, a favourite story for kids and elders. There are three series, Sweet Valley Kids, Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High. It is a series about 2 twins, Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield. They live in Sweet Valley, California. There are stories about them and their friends. Sweet Valley Kids is about the twins in Elementary School, Sweet Valley Twins is about the twins in middle school whereas Sweet Valley High is about the twins in High school. Sweet Valley Kids and Twins are very interesting but High does not seem that much interesting. Creator of this series is “Francine Pascal “. There are different writers. Molly Mia Stewart is the author of Sweet Valley Kids, Jamie SVT Suzanne and SVH Kate William.
It is a good series. I recommend all of you to read Sweet Valley.
Questions and Answers - MARS

Questions and Answers
Why did astronomers think there might be life on Mars?
Why did astronomers think there might be life on Mars?
This thing is very famous that scientists are predicting that, there might be life on Mars……But why Mars only? There might be other planets which can have life. But well, Mars is considered to be a twin of Earth. Mars is half the diameter of Earth and it orbits the sun in only 2 years of Earth!! Mars has a day that is almost equal in length to our day here on Earth. Mars has changing seasons. The dark areas got stronger in spring and in summer bluish-green to yellow. Astronomers say there is small amount of water vapour. This can also be a reason that Mars has life. In 1976 two American probes landed on Mars. They saw that either there are germs in the soil or the soil is peculiar and not like ours. They also predicted that if there might be life it would be a very simple one.
A fairy Song by William Shakespeare

A fairy Song
Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.
Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.
William Shakespeare
Your thoughts
Be Healthy Be Active by Yamna Iman Wasif

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare
He who does not trust enough, Will not be trusted.
Lao Tzu
Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
Ernest Hemmingway
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare
He who does not trust enough, Will not be trusted.
Lao Tzu
Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
Ernest Hemmingway
Fruits & Vegetables

Mango, a favourite fruit of all (I suppose) is grown all over Pakistan. There are many groups of mango like Chaunsa, AnwarRatol etc. Mango trees grow 35–40 m (115–130 ft) tall, with a crown radius of 10 m (33 ft). The mango tree is long-lived; some specimens still fruit after 300 years. The leaves are evergreen, alternate, simple, 15–35 cm (5.9–14 in) long and 6–16 cm (2.4–6.3 in) broad; when the leaves are young they are orange-pink, rapidly changing to a dark glossy red, then dark green as they mature. The flowers are produced in terminal panicles 10–40 cm (3.9–16 in) long; each flower is small and white with five petals. Mango has Vitamin A, B, Vitamins C & E and Selenium. Mangoes also contain B-complex (anti-stress) vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, Folic acid (folate), and zinc. Mangoes are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. Plus are good sources of dietary fiber. They also contain some protein and amino acids, about 2% of your daily recommended amount. Mangoes are god for our health. However you still get warts in summer I still recommend you to eat.
Interesting Science History

Paper was an important discovery by China in 105 by a man Ts’ai Lun.. Before paper, man had created papyrus. Papyrus was a plant. Early man took the stems and pressed them. Then there was a sheet of papyrus to write on. Hey! Did you notice one thing. papyrus, paper. They sound similar, don’t they? Paper really originated from papyrus. Do you know how papermaking secret spread? Chinese traders traveled and met Arabs. They told the secret of papermaking. Then the secret spread to Spain, over Europe and in England. Do you know? A machine was developed in France in 111978 that can make a sheet or web of paper.
Interesting facts about paper
• We use kraft paper every day when we ask supermarkets to pack our groceries in brown paper bags.
• Bags were first measured by how many pounds of sugar they held. (i.e., a 1 lb. bag was named that because it held 1 lb of sugar, a 2 lb bag because it held 2 lbs. of sugar, etc.)
• Every ton of paper that is recovered saves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space
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