Questions and Answers
Why did astronomers think there might be life on Mars?
Why did astronomers think there might be life on Mars?
This thing is very famous that scientists are predicting that, there might be life on Mars……But why Mars only? There might be other planets which can have life. But well, Mars is considered to be a twin of Earth. Mars is half the diameter of Earth and it orbits the sun in only 2 years of Earth!! Mars has a day that is almost equal in length to our day here on Earth. Mars has changing seasons. The dark areas got stronger in spring and in summer bluish-green to yellow. Astronomers say there is small amount of water vapour. This can also be a reason that Mars has life. In 1976 two American probes landed on Mars. They saw that either there are germs in the soil or the soil is peculiar and not like ours. They also predicted that if there might be life it would be a very simple one.
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